Our service is referral based, tailored, targeted search. We do not advertise positions on job boards or online – meaning you will only be presented with the best available talent, not simply candidates that are out of, or looking for work.
We have several years of experience, and have filled key 2nd tier leadership positions for many very demanding organisations, ranging from some of the world’s largest blue chips, to smaller branded companies.
We have a strong network at both top tier and 2nd tier levels – meaning we have access to key individuals outside the reach of recruitment agencies.
We remove common problems such as sifting through stacks of CV’s, wasted interview time, and agencies walking away because the assignment is too challenging. When Harris Woods are engaged on an assignment, we will only deliver referred, referenced, interviewed candidates that are demonstrably able to do the job, and because we work on a retained basis, will never walk away until our job is done. We aim to provide our clients with such a strong selection of candidates, that the only decision remaining for them is to choose the best character fit.